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Halloween Shoot

Halloween Shoot and OPEN HOUSE


A ‘Halloween shoot’ took place on Saturday, October 29 in the evening at The Barn.
We welcomed everyone to shoot some arrows: friends, insiders, first timers as well as spectators just observing the proceedings and having a chat.

With all the spooky creatures and dangerous predators wrapped in darkness and some dimly lit in flashy lights, it was quite a challenge to hit the targets – and sooo much fun.

There was a good crowd showing up and figuring out what the Barn is all about. Interesting conversations, nice people and as always a lot of entertainment and first-class catering. Homemade Halloween cookies, refreshments, snacks, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, pop were served as well as varieties of pizza later in the evening.

Thank you to all who showed up to support this wonderful sport or just dropped in for a nice chat. Thanks to all the people who helped set up the venue and for all the delicious cookies and bites to eat that were brought in.

See you soon at ‘The Barn’…