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Frozen Finger Shoot 2024

Frozen Finger Shoot 2024

Barn Archers hit the road for the first time in 2024, heading towards their destination, the Frozen Finger Shoot at Glooscap Heritage Archers in Windsor. Despite the forecast for messy ice and snow mix, and bad road conditions, the Barn Archer’s convoy set off in late morning for a 446 km drive that took around 4 hours and 45 minutes. To everyone’s delight, the roads were good, and although Mt Thom was a bit snowy, the trip went smoothly even with some rain along the way.

Sunday greeted us with glorious blue skies as registration for the shoot kicked off at 8:00 am. A total of 31 shooters joined in the fun, with 21 opting for traditional equipment. With the morning temperature hovering at -12 degrees Celsius, some of our archers were decked out in camouflage ‘Michelin men’ and ‘women’ gear to stay toasty warm.

The shoot itself was nothing short of spectacular, with 20 3D targets arranged in a breathtaking circle along the trail. The first round commenced at 9:30 am, followed by a scrumptious lunch break and a delectable dessert buffet at noon. By the afternoon round, the temperature had risen to a balmy -3 degrees Celsius, and our archers were all fired up and ready to go.

Joseph VanDeKeift won the prestigious Granet Dodge trophy, with a high score of 345 awarded for the highest single round in the TAANS classes.

A huge round of applause and congratulations to the Barn Archers – Olivia Williams, Jennifer Williams, Anthony Williams, Maddy Joy, Karen Cann, and John Cann – for coming in first in their categories. Bridget came in second, having only shot in the afternoon round.

Overall, it was an incredible day in Glooscap, and we’re thrilled to report that everyone made it through the shoot with smiles intact!
We extend a huge THANK YOU to the dedicated team at Glooscap Heritage Archers for hosting such a fantastic event, and we look forward to many more memorable shoots together!