Down by the Bay – 3D traditonal archery tournament
‘The Barn’ is on the road again toward the Bay of Fundy, the second time this year 🙂
Down by the Bay archery club put on a ‘Turkey Shoot’Â 3D tournament for traditional archers only.
Approx. 22 archers showed up for the 1-day event on October 8.Â
A BIG THANK YOU again to the DBTB team for a very well-organized event, and to everyone who showed up to support this wonderful sport of traditional archery.
Please find below the article posted on DBTB Facebook page:
Down By The Bay October 8th Turkey Shoot was a fun filled day with lots of laughter.
Winner of the Turkey, donated by Jason Taylor, was Shauntelle Mombourquette.
Winner of the quilt, donated by Nancy Mattinson, was Lisa Shea.
Top Scores are as follows:
Women’s Recurve:
Trudy Dryden 1st..692
Dorothy Best 2nd..594
Bridget Benz 3rd..560
Jennifer Clarke 534
Shauntelle M. 444
Karen Cann 427
Womens Barebow
Paula Bourgeois1st 301
Mens Barebow:
Joe Wynn 1st 457
Wyatt Morris 1st 469
Aaden Chapman 359
Mens Longbow:
John Simms 1st 536
Danny Hopper 2nd 420
Junior Thibeault 3rd 394
Mens Recurve:
Bob Dryden 1st 661
Patrick Walsh 2nd 630
Jim Dauphinee 3rd 615
Stephen Lyne 602
Jason Taylor 575
Ray Murdoch 538
John Cann 526
Mike McCullum 495
Chris McGyver 387
High Point Award for the day went to Trudy Dryden.
CONGRATULATIONS to all archers!